A Single-Stage Modular DCX with High Voltage Conversion Ratio Based on High Frequency LLC Resonant Converter
ID:106 Submission ID:42 View Protection:ATTENDEE Updated Time:2021-07-21 20:06:13 Hits:712 Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-08-27 14:30 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[Room2] Oral Session 2 » [S7&S8] WBG Power Converters & WBG Device Characteristic and Converter Modeling

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Abstract—Data centers demand high-current, high-efficiency and low-cost power solutions. And the high frequency resonant converter is more attractive in industrial application because of its high power density and high efficiency. This paper presents a modular and linear extendable single-stage DCX with high voltage conversion ratio which based on high frequency LLC resonant converter. The converter using a planar matrix transformer has successfully achieved ZVS in the primary side as well as ZCS in the secondary side. Meanwhile, GaN devices are also applied due to their much lower parasitic capacitance compared to that of high voltage Si MOSFET. A 500 kHz, 400-6 V, 600 W isolated prototype with high conversion ratio has been built and tested as well, which achieved 91.1% peak efficiency.
Isolated modular converter,High frequency,LLC resonant converter,Planar matrix transformer,GaN devices
Wen Zhaoliang
student Harbin Institute of Technology

Submission Author
Guan Yueshi Harbin Institue of Technology
Wen Zhaoliang Harbin Institute of Technology
Yijie Wang Harbin Institute of Technology
Dianguo Xu Harbin Institute of Technology
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