Off-State Negative Differential Capacitance in Low-Temperature AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
ID:57 Submission ID:32 View Protection:PUBLIC Updated Time:2021-08-18 20:50:28 Hits:663 Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-08-27 12:11 (Asia/Shanghai)


Session:[P] Poster » [P1] Poster 1

The degradation phenomenon and mechanism of AlGaN / GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) working at cryogenic temperature have been rarely reported. In this paper, the off-state capacitance of AlGaN / GaN HFETs at low temperature and the room temperature was investigated. The negative differential capacitance at 77 K and 300 K are 11.26 F and 0.69 F, respectively. The capacitance was tested at different temperatures, which showed that the negative differential capacitance came from low-temperature conditions. At room temperature, the resistance was increased sharply under the gate of the device off-state. At this time, the current leakage channel was turned on, the phenomenon of negative differential capacitance was caused by an accumulation of electrons. Through the C-V test at different frequencies at low temperature, it reflects the relationship between the trap level, the off-state leakage current, and the negative differential capacitance. This investigation would provide a reference for the application and reliability analysis of RF GaN devices in a low-temperature environment.
HFET,low-temperature,negative differential capacitance
Siyu Liu
Doctor Xidian University

Submission Author
Siyu Liu Xidian University
Jiejie Zhu Xidian University
Jingshu Guo Xidian University
Jielong Liu Xidian University
MIN HAN MI Xidian University
Yilin Chen Xidian University
Xiaohua Ma Xidian University
Yue Hao Xidian University
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