Off-State Negative Differential Capacitance in Low-Temperature AlGaN/GaN Heterostructures
Submission ID:32 View Protection:PUBLIC
Updated Time:2021-08-18 20:50:28
Poster Presentation

Start Time:2021-08-27 12:11 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[P] Poster » [P1] Poster 1
The degradation phenomenon and mechanism of AlGaN / GaN heterojunction field-effect transistors (HFETs) working at cryogenic temperature have been rarely reported. In this paper, the off-state capacitance of AlGaN / GaN HFETs at low temperature and the room temperature was investigated. The negative differential capacitance at 77 K and 300 K are 11.26 F and 0.69 F, respectively. The capacitance was tested at different temperatures, which showed that the negative differential capacitance came from low-temperature conditions. At room temperature, the resistance was increased sharply under the gate of the device off-state. At this time, the current leakage channel was turned on, the phenomenon of negative differential capacitance was caused by an accumulation of electrons. Through the C-V test at different frequencies at low temperature, it reflects the relationship between the trap level, the off-state leakage current, and the negative differential capacitance. This investigation would provide a reference for the application and reliability analysis of RF GaN devices in a low-temperature environment.
HFET,low-temperature,negative differential capacitance

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