Review of soft-switching high-frequency GaN-based single-phase Bridgeless Rectifier
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Updated Time:2021-07-21 20:05:56 Hits:792
Oral Presentation

Start Time:2021-08-27 15:00 (Asia/Shanghai)
Session:[Room2] Oral Session 2 » [S7&S8] WBG Power Converters & WBG Device Characteristic and Converter Modeling
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This paper reviewed the topologies and soft-switching (also called Zero Voltage Switching, ZVS) for the high-frequency GaN-based single-phase Bridgeless PFC. First, a brief introduction of single-phase bridgeless PFC has been presented. Then a review of the bridgeless PFC topologies has been given. Next, the theoretical analysis of the ZVS and the state plane trajectory is introduced and the case study for the two-phase Totem-Pole PFC and Dual-SEPIC PFC is presented. Finally, the prototype for Totem-Pole PFC and Dual-SEPIC PFC are built, and the soft-switching has been achieved with high efficiency based on the ZVS extension strategy.
Power Factor Correction (PFC),soft swiching,PFC,Bridgeless SEPIC converter,Higher efficiency

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